
The Business of making websites | 17th September 2024

Why Regular WordPress Maintenance is Crucial for Website Success

You’ve invested time, effort, and money into building your WordPress website. It’s up, it’s running, and business is good. But here’s the thing: a website isn’t a “set it and forget it” asset. Just like a car needs regular servicing, your WordPress site needs ongoing maintenance to keep it in top shape. Neglecting maintenance can lead to performance issues, security risks, and costly downtime. Let’s dive into why regular WordPress maintenance is critical for long-term website success.

Why Should You Care About WordPress Maintenance?

Running a website is a bit like running a shop. You wouldn’t leave the shelves unstocked, the lights flickering, or the doors unlocked at night. In the same way, you shouldn’t let your WordPress site fall into disrepair. Here are some key reasons regular maintenance is essential:

  1. Security, Security, Security

Did I mention security? WordPress powers 43% of all websites, making it a prime target for hackers. Regular maintenance ensures that your site is updated with the latest security patches, protecting it from vulnerabilities. A staggering 30,000 websites are hacked every day, and outdated plugins or themes are often the culprit. Keeping everything up to date can help you avoid becoming part of that statistic.

  1. Optimised Performance = Better User Experience

Have you ever visited a website that took ages to load? Chances are, you didn’t stick around long. If your site isn’t optimised, visitors will abandon it in droves. Regular maintenance helps ensure that your site is fast and responsive, keeping both users and search engines happy.

Did you know that a one-second delay in page load time can lead to a 7% decrease in conversions? Speed matters, and maintenance is one of the keys to keeping your site fast.

  1. Boost SEO with Regular Updates

Search engines love a well-maintained site. When your WordPress site is regularly updated with fresh content, optimised images, and clean code, it’s more likely to rank higher on Google. On the flip side, a poorly maintained site with broken links, outdated content, and slow load times will drop down the rankings, costing you traffic.

  1. Prevent Costly Downtime

If your website goes down, every minute it’s offline can cost you potential sales, leads, and credibility. Regular maintenance helps you catch issues before they escalate into full-blown problems. Wouldn’t you rather fix a small issue now than face a complete website crash later?

What Does WordPress Maintenance Involve?

Now that we’ve covered why it’s important, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of what WordPress maintenance actually entails. Regular maintenance is not just about hitting the “update” button on your dashboard (though that’s part of it). Here are the essential tasks that keep your website running smoothly:

  1. Core Updates
    WordPress releases updates regularly to improve functionality, patch security vulnerabilities, and enhance performance. Keeping your WordPress core up to date is critical to ensuring your site stays secure and efficient.
  2. Plugin and Theme Updates
    Plugins and themes are the building blocks of your website’s functionality and design. However, outdated plugins or themes can slow down your site or introduce security risks. Regularly updating them ensures compatibility with the latest WordPress version and reduces the risk of bugs or breaches.
  3. Backups
    Imagine this: your website crashes or is hacked, and you lose all your content. That’s a nightmare no business wants to face. Regular backups ensure that you can restore your site quickly and with minimal damage in the event of a crash. Pro tip: Keep your backups stored remotely—just in case!
  4. Database Optimisation
    Over time, your WordPress database accumulates a lot of unnecessary data—revisions, spam comments, trashed posts—that can slow down your site. Regularly optimising your database keeps things running smoothly and improves performance.
  5. Broken Links and 404 Errors
    Broken links not only frustrate users but can also negatively impact your SEO. Regularly scanning for and fixing broken links keeps your website user-friendly and ensures search engines don’t penalise you.
  6. Security Scans
    Even if you have robust security measures in place, running regular security scans is a smart move. These scans can detect malware, vulnerabilities, and other potential threats, giving you peace of mind.

“But My Website Is Running Fine Without Maintenance!”

Sure, it might be—for now. But neglecting maintenance is like skipping oil changes on your car. It’ll run smoothly until one day, out of the blue, it doesn’t. And the repair bill will likely be much higher than the cost of regular upkeep. In fact, website downtime can cost companies $5,600 per minute on average. Let that sink in.

Can’t I Handle WordPress Maintenance Myself?

In theory, yes, you can handle some basic maintenance tasks on your own. But do you really want to spend your valuable time sifting through plugin updates, optimising databases, and troubleshooting performance issues? Most business owners, e-commerce managers, and even developers find that leaving these tasks to professionals ensures everything runs smoothly without consuming their own time.

At Two Hours Sleep, we specialise in WordPress Maintenance and Assurance Plans that take care of everything from backups to security updates. So you can focus on running your business while we keep your website in tip-top shape.

The Real Cost of Neglect

Let’s face it, the cost of neglecting your website could be far greater than the cost of regular maintenance. Performance issues, security vulnerabilities, and lost sales are only the tip of the iceberg. By being proactive, you’re not only saving money but ensuring your site stays at peak performance and continues to drive success for your business.

“Website maintenance isn’t a cost—it’s an investment in your online success.”

The bottom line? Your WordPress website is one of your most valuable assets, and just like any other business asset, it needs ongoing care. Regular maintenance ensures your site stays secure, optimised, and performing at its best. And in today’s competitive online landscape, that’s something you simply can’t afford to overlook.

Ready to Ensure Your WordPress Website Stays Secure and Running Smoothly?
Let’s chat about how our WordPress Maintenance and Assurance Plan can keep your site at peak performance, so you can focus on growing your business.

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